QuickTrials Sub-processors

Entity Type of data Security Type of processing
Google Database, file & image storage, authentication, logging https://cloud.google.com/security/compliance Main cloud platform including mobile app logging
AWS Backup archives https://aws.amazon.com/it/security/ Storage
Mailchimp User emails https://mailchimp.com/about/security/ Newsletters and service information
Meteoblue GPS site coordinates https://content.meteoblue.com/en/legal/privacy API weather access, not stored
Mailgun User emails https://www.mailgun.com/gdpr/ Interactive email sending
Sentry Stack traces https://sentry.io/security/ Operation and development related alerts
Jira Bugs, features, chores https://www.atlassian.com/trust Software development management
Amplitude Application analytics https://amplitude.com/privacy Application usage

Last update: 26.04.2023