Enter data using the mobile app or PC

QuickTrials has always made it easy to enter data in the field using your mobile device, but sometimes people prefer to enter trial data on a PC (Eg. to enter data in a lab or harvest weigh station).  You can enter data or make corrections to uploaded data, from your PC at any time via the web browser.  Here’s how:

Step 1: Turn on the setting to allow staff to enter data via the browser
Login to the QuickTrials solution with your PC’s web browser and go to settings. This can be done from the main menu (top right corner) \ Settings \ Other which will show the following screen:

Check the box
“Allow staff to enter observations on the web app” to enable web browser entry for your organisation.

Step 2: Ensure relevant staff have access to the trial and sites
From the main Trials page, select the row menu (three vertical dots on the right) for the relevant trial and chose “Assign Staff” as shown here:
Step 3: Change to “Data entry” mode
From the main Trial page, select the row menu again and choose “Data entry” to start the data editing mode from the web browser.
Step 4: Select the site and chose Edit
If the trial has multiple sites, you will see a list of the sites and their details. 

Select the row menu for the desired site and choose “Edit”.  This will open that site in Data entry mode where you can enter and correct data in a similar way to using an Excel sheet.  

The Excel-style data entry makes it very easy to enter, verify and correct data from your PC any time.  Use the arrow keys to navigate to different cells as needed or click on Close to return to the previous screen.

One thing to be aware of is that some functionality, like recording the GPS coordinates for every measurement taken, is not available when entering data via a web browser.  If GPS coordinates need to be associated with an observation then we recommend using the mobile app.



Cropnuts case study

One of Africa’s leading independent laboratories for agriculture and environmental testing, Cropnuts, have been using QuickTrials to streamline their field trial processes and turn their data into more of an asset.  Read more about it here: https://www.quicktrials.com/cropnuts/


We hope you enjoy using the data entry possibilities of QuickTrials, either from your PC’s browser or from the Android or iOS app.

If you have any feedback we are always happy to hear from you.

All the best from the QuickTrials team.